Hey there everyone, and welcome back to Rites of Battle.  While my personal life has pretty much crumbled under my feet, I thought it unfair to neglect my responsibilities to those of you who return time and again to read about 40k.  While I have been somewhat detached from news, some things haven't completely escaped my eyes and ears, and it seems that these are sparking quite the discussion on the Wartrukk regarding the state of the game.  This got me thinking yet again on how to improve some of what I perceive as weak points, and even failings on the part of the Games Workshop design team, and while I won't claim to have perfect solutions, It has always been taught to me that you should try to present some alternatives or solutions if you are going to voice a dissenting opinion of the topic at hand.  Not only this, but I'd love to give a quick thought on the spark of the whole debate, as well as some shout outs to recent events.

It's a jam packed article, so sit down, strap in, and enjoy.

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