Gabriel "Gabe" Jonathan, Galactic Tour Series (Azure Forest), Gorim Ironstone MVP, Glue Grenades, Grogun.

KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball.

Gabriel "Gabe", Jonathan.

When Jonathan "Gabe" Gabriel died on the pitch, smashed into a uniform paste by the legendary Buzzkill, it was assumed to be the end of his career. When a jockstrap rich in genetic material was discovered, he became the first crowd-funded resurrection by cloning.

Galactic Tour Series.

Azure Forest.

On the edge of the GCPS, DreadBall can be a little different than in the high-tech Core. The open-air arenas of Azure IX, situated amid the moon’s massive rainforests, bring a whole host of new challenges even to veteran players.

They’ll have to deal with changing weather, local lifeforms and some very excitable fans if they’re going to make it in the Azure Forest League!

Gorim Ironstone MVP.

Nobody expects Forge Fathers to be fast, and it’s true that even Gorim is unlikely to break any records against the Veer- myn. But among his kin he shows a real turn of speed. Whilst you might be forgiven for expecting an old warrior to take up the game as a Guard, Gorim now avoids combat entirely, preferring instead to pay as little attention to the opposition as possible as he goes about his scoring. This entails absorbing quite a lot of punishment, which he soaks up without complaint. As his fans in the crowd roar, “He can take it!”

Glue Grenades.
Glue grenades are not harmful, being designed for law enforcement to capture and contain rioters rather than armies to kill opponents on a battlefield. However, it does take time to get free of their gooey strands.


Groguns are often looked down on by “civilised” society as brainless thugs. However, their straightforward demeanour and thick-set frame belies a keen mind and a knack for technology. 

Many of them have found their way to the ranks of the Rebellion, where they often act as both heavy-support troopers and engineers.

Gmorts Chaotica would like to thank James M Hewitt, Mantic Games, the Quirkworthy Blog, Titan Games and of course the Corporation for their invaluable assistance in the compiling of this encyclopaedia.