This'll be a short one as I'm a bit under the weather still. I finished up each of the heavy weapon to make me feel like I was getting somewhere. This one was beginning to drag a  bit for me...

Then it was final details and bases on the cultists themselves...
 And the shooty guys.
 What really sucked is what happened when I sprayed them. But I'll show you the "finished" products next time and cry like a baby then. For now I was able to get my hands on one of Roman's minis from Massive Voodoo...
This pic doesn't do it justice, but I loved everything about this mini from the hobby problem and creative solution behind it to the little bit of fluff he wrote for the scene. So when I saw it was on sale I bought it without much of a pause! Nothing like holding one of his pieces in your hand and saying "Oh my God, THAT'S how he did that"

Next Post: Display pics of the Cultists. Check out that blogroll, hit me with questions & comments and remember: you can't spell paint without a little pain ;)