Hello to everyone!

So here I am, getting dynamically back on track, rebuilding my Imperial Fists force (or rather adding more choices to my existing army) since all this 6th edition goodness came out! I must say that I am quite excited about the new ed. Although not having a lot of experience with the new rules yet, I played a game last night with a good friend of mine and I must say that I came to some nice conclusions. One of these is that Flyers are something really cool! :P

Having all these in mind, I decided to add some flying punch to my Fists... starting with the brand new Stormtalon! I don't know about you but I love the Apache-meets-Space-Marines feeling of it. and this little fella packs quite a few punches in his arsenal.

Overall I'm quite happy with the result, although I had an accident with the varnish, that destroyed the clear plastic of the cockpit... :S In the end I had to paint it over and lose all the painted details on the inside ... oh well, I will be more careful with the next one...!

Next thing would be also a flyer... something I was planning on doing a long time... stay tuned ;)

I would be more than happy to hear what you think and maybe leave me a vote in CoolMiniOrNot? http://www.coolminiornot.com/309561

As for the tunes accompanying me in this build .. well summer time Flogging Molly all the way! enjoy! XD