Hello everyone! Its so good to be back on my table and this time I decided to build something that I'm going to need for an upcoming tournament!

I have been playing with my favorite character, none other than Captain Darnath Lysander of course for quite some time now and I decided I needed a change. A Vulcan army list was the next thing that could suit my style of playing... the difficult part was that Vulcan is part of the Salamanders range, so I had to do something that could fit in my sea of yellow :P

Back when Forgeworld started messing around with Badab wars, they released this glorious model and it actually hit me that I should use it as a base to convert to an Imperial Fists version of Vulcan, mainly due to the bad ass mounted flamer that he has...!

For those of you who haven't yet understood the base of the model, yes its Lugft Hyron of the Astral Claws :P

Main problem I faced with the conversion was how on earth I would do the spear, but then along came MaxMini as always to solve my bits problems. The head is also from the MaxMini range of products and I think it fits nicely. The conversion is finished with some of the great Forgeworld photo etched fists that have proven so useful in the past too!

So off to the painting table, what do you think?

I leave you with a song that really speaks to my soul...