Yes I know, its been a long while since I have posted anything completed here... but as I have already said, life is always giving you things to get your hands full and this whole last month hasn't been an exception to that...

BUT I am ready to make it up for you with 2 brand new paintjobs I have just finished for a painting contest organized by the Greek Warhammer Forum and I would really like to get your feedback as they are painted for a contest as I said.

Ork Big Mek with Custom Force Field

This guy is one of my favourite GW sculpts and I really just needed a chance to get my brushes on him. I really had a blast painting him. I would love to see your votes on CMON as well! 

Skaven Warlord Queek Headtaker

Another great mini, although I was kinda connected emotionally to the older version of him, I got him for a bargain and of course I couldn't resist some skaven painting. Maybe this would be the kick for me to get involved with my eternally building Skaven army again, who knows ... In the meantime, leave him a vote as well! ;)

Inspiration for these guys (especially for the ork) came out of these AWESOME band! They're stuck in repeat the past few days...