

Plants vs Zombies 40k Style!

Yes that is right people, there is a new Tower defence style game coming out and it is pure 40k, The game is going to be released both on PC and IOS devices. The playing field looks to be set along 5 lines with the object to destroy the opposition’s buildings.

The first 2 armies for release will be Dark Angels (who would have thought space marines eh…) and Orks with promise of Imperial Guard as an extra DLC on release day. The game is set to be released on the 27th March with a beta release on the 27th February. The price is as follows.

Steam: £6.99

IOS: £2.99

The Imperial Guard DLC will cost you 69p on day of release. check out below for screenshot of the game.



The post Storm of Vengeance appeared first on VoxNet Radio.