After months of waiting to see what the deal is, Fantasy Flight has finally shown us a preview of the new Tantive IV. I can say so far is’...uh...wait what?’ As well as ‘Oh wow, that's awesome!’ You’ll see what I mean as we continue through this article. Starting off we have the same deal as the GR-75, two sides, many actions, lots of new stuff.  Some differences being the Tantive IV has the ability to fight back with the fore having some weapons, and the ability to equip more...

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After months of waiting to see what the deal is, Fantasy Flight has finally shown us a preview of the new Tantive IV. I can say so far is’...uh...wait what?’ As well as ‘Oh wow, that's awesome!’ You’ll see what I mean as we continue through this article. Starting off we have the same deal as the GR-75, two sides, many actions, lots of new stuff.  Some differences being the Tantive IV has the ability to fight back with the fore having some weapons, and the ability to equip more...

Visit Spikey Bits for the full article!