Our first RPG campaign of 2014 kicked off last weekend!  We had a blast putting it all together, and tomorrow's Game Day is going to be off the hook!  You can check up on the current State of Play for Dread Mandate to the right!

This campaign will be a mix of investigative work and action.  It's Warhammer 40,000, so it has to be over the top.  Our miniature collection will be put to good use for this one, as well as a bunch of other never before seen material!  Now don't go looking for clues in hidden cases or shadowy nooks on the shelf...you might see something you can't unsee.

We'll focus primarily on the following sourcebooks:  The Inquisitor's Handbook, The Radical's Handbook, Disciples of the Dark Gods and Ascension.  A lot of alternate systems might be introduced from these books, so be prepared for the unexpected!  There will be a lot of room for progression in this campaign, and it will last a fairly long time - it's scheduled to run until late this year!

We're behind on filming Straight Sixes, but we're doing a segment tomorrow.  Be here no later than 1pm if you want in on this one!  We'll be publishing one more this month to account for our backlog, then we're back on track!  Hopefully the weather won't cut us off this weekend!  See you on Game Day!