Another Blizzard property repaint, this time the Starcraft 2 Zealot. I painted this guy up as a Yule gift for one of my extended family, who is very big fan of the series.


The mini was fun to paint, and quite simple. You can see an image of the original paint upon here, and I’m quite pleased with the improvement. These guys don’t have nearly as much detail as normal minis, so it doesn’t take a lot of time to finish one. As you can see, I added some OSL with the blue Psi-blades. It contrasts nicely with the red, and I had a lot of fun playing with the shades of gold.

I’ve been busy working on my Art Scale Marines as I am sure most of you know, as well as some commissions. I’ve almost finished a Space Wolf Land Raider Terminus Ultra, as well as an Ogre Thundertusk. I’ve been working at a very steady pace, and I am really excited to have more miniatures off of my to do list.

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