So I finaly got araound an had a game palyed today.  We were 2 players on each side with 1000 p each, objective and there were alot of buildings on the table.

So my Minotaurs teamed up with Nova Marines against Tyrant Legion and Mantis Warriors and the fast version is that we lost, 1-2 objectives unfourtunaly. We had 2 objectives on our side of the table so we sat back and waited for them to move against us, so we could gun them down in the open....that didn't go so well.

Mantis warriors infiltarted and went around our main firing line, that did hurt some but not as much as when my assault terminators that deep striked and there were a mishap, a sad end to thet squad.
My two Razorbacks were popped firts turn and that it hard to get rid of the two Leman Russ tanks they had. All in all the game went south pretty quick but we had two objective until the end of the 4th turn and it was in that turn my Assault terminators tried to deepstrike nearr teh objective to help to hold it. After all this whining I did went our way was thge Nova MArines terminators that three rounds of awsome shooting, one of my combat squad held up a 10 man assault marine squad for three turns, a lonly Minotaur tac marine survvived over ten shots in one turn, so not all were bad.

But hey it were fun and it were a really enjoyable game. I didnt get some pics, I will try to get some next weekend, when we are gonna have a Apocalypse game if i remember correctly.

My 1000 point army list were as follow:

Jump pack, melta bombs

Tac. Sqd.
x5 Marines, plasma gun, plasma cannon

TWL lascannons, extra armor

Tac. Sqd.
x5 Marines, plasma gun, Hvy bolter, melta bombs

TWL lascannons, extra armor

Assault Marines
Power fist, Meltabombs

Assault Terminators