It' time to get the list done for the Badab campaign at my local hobbyshop at the end of february, so    a 1000 points army list had to be made. The first list attempts I had the chapter master for the Minotaurs in it, but at 1000 point he's a it too expensive, so I have used the chaplain Ivanus instead so I have a special character from the forgeworld books. It's a shame that the minature isn't gonna be released until april, so a substitute have to be made for this Badab Wars campaign.

Enough rambling here is the 1000 point list:

Chaplain Ivanus
-Jump pack

Tactical Squad
-5 extra marines  -Plasma Cannon -Plasma Gun

      -Storm Bolter  -Extra Armour   - TWL Las Cannons

Tactical Squad
-5 extra marines -H.Bolter -Melta Gun

      -Storm Boter  -Extra Armour

Assault Terminators
- Storm Shield    -Thunderhammer

Assault Marines
-Power Fist 

If I get can get more points ready in time I might chanige some of the units equipment in this list ut this is the moels I got so far and Im in the process of painting them, because all models need to be painted and based for this comp. I would like to add a VAnguard squad and stick Ivanus in that instead of the Assault marine squad, but hey its little over a month left for the comp so changes can still happen.