My vacation was a good one, fish where caught and eaten.  I learned how to kayak and canoe, I however got no painting done and you know what, I'm good with that.

I have been working on my salamanders army list for some time, trying to tweak it and make it full of scaly goodness.

point limit 1850
Vulkan (As a Salamanders army list this goes without saying.)

Assault terminators with TH/SS mounted in LR Crusader with MM and Extra armor.
Terminators With Cyclone Missile
Dreadnaught with Assault Cannon and Missile Launcher


10 man Tactical squad with Melta and Multi-Melta, Sargent power fist, combi-flamer, Melta bombs
Mounted in razorback

10 man Tactical squad with Melta and Multi-Melta, Sargent power fist, combi-flamer, Melta bombsMounted in razorback

4 Scouts 3 with Sniper rifles, one with Missile Launcher and Sargent Talion..

Predator tank with auto-cannon and heavy bolters
Predator tank with auto-cannon and heavy bolters

This is a very shooty army, the idea behind the scouts is to stick them on an objective behind my lines, use the long range to dissuade anyone from approaching.  Perhaps use one of the heavy weapon combat squads to help fortify.  The assault terminators and Vulkan get rammed into the biggest CC threat you can see while the rest of the army moves to take objectives and harass your opponent with medium range fire fights.

I am by no means a master of list building and I know this one can be improved, I am open to any suggestions.