I don't know what is going on with Blogger and Internet Explorer, must be a compatibility issue as I could not post any pictures using the IE and Blogger.  I downloaded Firefox and now everything works like it use to.

I was going through a lot of stuff over the weekend and thought it would be a good idea to scan this stuff.  A bunch of old photos.  My grandfather owned a kart racing track back in the day, outside of Peoria, IL.  These are some pics from 1960. 
 This is one of my favorites, you guessed it, the kid with the 71 on the helmet is my father.  The story was that the kart he landing on came out of the corner clipped the hay bales and they locked wheels and that launched dad up in the air.  Safety gear was kind of nonexistent back then, nowadays people want to be wrapped in bubble wrap flame retardant injury proof stuff, which is fine, but a lot of people survived doing crazy stuff back then and are just fine to this day.  Sometimes all of that safety equipment, gives people that feeling of indestructibility so that they have their collective heads up their arses when racing.
 Checkout the old cars in the background.

And then quite a few years later, 1976, yep that skinny little 6 year old runt is me driving a full sized kart.