Last post I shared with you the latest concept sketches from the workstation of the great Anthony Ackland. After a string of chaos warriors, it was the turn of the lowly beastman to see the Grandmaster of Chaos' twisted attentions. As I stated, the sketch represented the first in a series of similar models and your feedback was very constructive, so thank you. It seems that many of you prefer your beastmen 'non-goaty' to coin a term and I am please to report that Tim Prow has completed the first green. A green complete with old school style 'beastman armour!
This one could have stepped right out of Slaves to Darkness or Fantasy Warlord!
What do you think?
That shield is really impressive is it not? Hmm... Is it me, or could we have had our first view of the 'Visage of Malign'?