Talk about letting this go until the last minute!!!

Now it has been a while since I signed up for this community project ( Nov 8th of last year to be exact! ) and figured it was about time to get work on it. One side because I have joined the 5th-dimension crew, but also cause well we want to get the project finished in time for Duke of Bavaria which is only a month ago.

After the workshop with Tommie, I really wanted to go with more worn leather sections on this guy.

I really layered on the colors and inks and washes here. As much as I could for it in order to give it some nice worn and aged looks. Not sure I completely achieved it, but I like how it turned out.

What I do really like is that all the colors were from Scale75, and then just began to add the old GW inks/washes on top of it all.

The skin was simpler in that it was just a couple colors wet blended together. Including some purple and brown. Not sure it shows too well...

And the sword was the CMON simple strategy of metal, orange, brown inks, and more metals.

Only thing that is left is to make the base. Which I might do now when I arrive in Munich prior to the event. And then see what I can build up with whatever is available to make it happen.

Will see what happens then and move on from there! In the meantime.. time to prep and pack for the weekend coming up!