Well... The other boys have finally done it. After some hard convincing and a game with Spicerack (I got completely obliterated...) I've finally been convinced to pick up some fantasy. 

But it seems it isn't that simple for me... Being a competitive 40k player, and striving to be a competitive Hobbit player I often don't have much variation in my lists. Heck, the most I've changed something in my 40k list recently is adding tau allies! So I want something really different - something that I don't think will get boring quickly and most importantly, something that I will enjoy painting. 

I've narrowed it down to two armies that really stick out to me: Ogre Kingdoms and Lizardmen, and at the moment I'm more leaning towards Ogre Kingdoms. Some of their magic items seem really cool and I like the look of their Magic Spells. They would also be pretty easy to paint but I think the results would end up quite nice. 

The boys have gotten sick of me hounding them with questions so I'll turn it over to you: what do you guys think of Ogres? Are there any common builds? 

Have any of you recently made the move to fantasy? What army do you play? Post your list or some comments down below :) 

Alles gute, 