Flashpoint was yet again the game of choice to begin the night.  Gina, Kevin, Louis and I started with the alternate side of the base board on the Veteran level.

Thing started off smoothly.  Kevin was mastering the deck gun, clearing the fire while Louis and I took care of rescuing the people in the other part of the house.  Gina was putting out the rest of the fires around the house.  It was looking like it would be a quick win, when suddenly some hazardous material burst into flames in the bedroom, quickly raging out of control.  Kevin had moved away from the firetruck to help with rescues, so there wasn’t much that could be done.  It quickly spiraled out of control and the house ended up collapsing on us before we could recover.


The second game introduced the Merchant Ship from the Dangerous Waters expansion.  It started off badly and then just went downhill quickly.  I managed to save two people, but the hallway running down the center of the ship caught fire and we never managed to get it under control.  Kevin was knocked out twice due to standing too close to the hallway, and the game ended with the cabins taking too much damage, destroying the ship.


We finished the night with a less stressful game of Hawaii.  Boats were far away on the island, but started cheap, so Louis and Kevin went for boats early.  Gina was looking at spears, while I went and bought a cheap shell hut.  I continued to buy shell huts with the intent to meet the quota each round, but even with a decent income I came up short in a couple rounds.  Louis, Kevin and Gina were all scoring points throughout the game.  I was relying on my Kahunas to do most of my work, but they weren’t enough.  Kevin scored 51 points in the end, and Louis had 61 bonus points from a single huge village.  Louis was just able to sneak past Kevin for the victory.


Until next time, happy gaming!