Firstly, still on hiatus...sorta. Put it to ya this way: I'm procrastinating for an exam >.> and that most of my miniature stuff + paints are packed away in CARDBOARD BAWKSES (no, I won't stop doing that :P). I'll get back to study soon but viewing .pdf files online does lend itself remarkably well to distractions.
Also, the first round of Astra
One thing I like about the kit, from viewing the sprues is the amount of heads. I count 9 berets, 8 helmets -the 17 total as per rumours. Having found an old beret storm trooper in a job lot a while ago, I can now make a full squad of 10. Maybe hardened vets, as I've almost 3 full squads of the usual stormies.
:D Disseminate them among your guardsmen and make MOAR storm troopies. Plus the extra HELLGUNS not 'hot-shot lasguns' (an LED version of the usual guardsman flashlight) will come in handy for plastic storm troopers. The arms do look sorta interchangeable with regular guardsmen plus the style of the new stormies looks like they'll blend nicely with Vostroyans. Possibly even Mordians as both regiments are quite the bunch of fancypants.
Well that was quick. All storm trooper related stuff is gone, except for two styles of Kasrkin. Also, a whole lost of other metal stuff vanished quite recently too.
Also, batman has histoplasmosis ;D *non-sequitur*
The Warlock