So thanks to my current injury I have been painting like a fiend and have done a tonne of work over the weekend. I finished my OrcOgre BsB as you can see lol! I also managed to do the base for my Aracknarock (pics later in the week) and finished off 8 Ogres (also pics later in the week). I really cant stress enough how much I am enjoying painting this army, it’s been a great thing to do while I recover and at current rate ill have the army finished 2 months ahead of plan!

I am really starting to properly get good at blending which has taken a long time to get the hang of! Also been trying to get better at metals and have got a technique down for slightly rusted steel:

Base coat Lead Belcher
Dry Brush Vallejo Oily Steel
Wash Nuln Oil
Dry Brush Vallejo
Wash Agrax Earthshade
Dry Brush Ryzla Rust
Dry Brush Runefang Steel
Thin wash Agrax Earthshade
Edge Highlight Runefang Steel

Definitely the most proud of an army I have been! Thanks to Dave Sweeting (@OrcsAndGoblins) for the spare black orc helmet! Let me know what you guys think! (NB I need to man up and do some free hand on the banner but I want to practise this before committing paint to model!)