So Jake, Joe and I went to the Siege on the 5th of January and I have to admit it was a blast! I got the opportunity to play 3 great games of warhammer and I thought I’d do a blog post about how it went.


For those that don’t know, the Siege was a 22 person tournament that was in its 13th year held in Columbus Ohio. It was 2400 points and No Comp. It didn’t require painting to play, but painting was counted towards overall tournament score – which I’ll talk about later :-)

As Far as my list went it was as follows:

Archlector on a War Altar, Heavy Armour, Shield, Van Horstman’s Speculum – 298 points (General)

Level 4 Light Wizard with a Dispel Scroll – 225 points

Captain on a Pegasus, with Full Plate Armour, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem and Lance – 153 points

Warrior Priest with Barded Warhorse, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield – 88 points

Steam tank – 250 points

Celestial Hurricanum – 130 points

Great Cannon – 120 points

Great Cannon – 120 points

5 Pistolers – 90 points

5 Demigriffon Knights with Standard and Banner of Swiftness – 315 points

9 Inner Circle Knights Full Command – 255 points

41 Halberders Standard and Musician – 266 points

10 Crossbowmen – 90 points


Game 1 I had the chance to have a rematch with Justin Chandler. Justin if you will recall is 1/2 the team that Bob and I played at Buckeye Battles last year that basically had nothing deployed before we deployed. To this event he brought his Lizardmen and while I don’t have all the detail his list basically was:

Slaan BsB – Lore of Life and Extra Power dice per cast. Also had the ability to negate my 6′s when I cast spells and had cupped hands.

24-30 Temple Guard (big unit not sure if it was 30 or just 24)

2 units of 25 Saurus full command

2 units of 2 Salamanders

1 Engine of the Gods

3 units of 10 skinks

I was actually pretty worried in this game as with the +1 power dice per cast would most likely allow him to have very dominant magic phases. Now I didn’t know that his Slaan had the ability to negate my 6′s when casting spells, but being I’ve played alot of Lizardmen players before with it I suspected as much. Because of that I put my Halberders on the Far right hand side and then put the wizard on the far right hand of the unit – starting 34 inches away. This allowed me to be far enough away from him not to negate my 6′s and close enough to still buff my own stuff.


Here is a pic of the 1st turn:

Game 1 Pic Justin Chandler 2013


Now during the game I did my favorite tactical move in the game – moving backwards 2-3 inches at a time, promptly Justin Joked I was a chicken. In all reality what I was attempting to do was eliminate his major threats (Engine of the Gods) before just pelting the Temple Guard over and over. I planned then to  use my cav busses and such to strike out and eliminate all the chaff. I figured if I could roll up the 2 units of Sali’s, 3 units of Skinks, and the Engine of the Gods – I’d likely get 900 points and I was pretty sure I could keep my losses minimal for a small win.

As it was my plan went accordingly, but a lucky Birona’s Time Warp  that was cast on my Demi Griffons allowed them a long charge on the last 10 Temple Guard with a Slaan in the bottom of  turn 6. I was also able to throw in the BsB for Extra Measure and with Rerolling attacks from the War Altar bubble, I was able to kill the Temple Guard to the man leaving the Slaan to break and die since he was a BsB. It ended being a 17-3 win overall and set me up for round 2.

Below is a picture of Justin’s wound markers- these were awesome!


Justin Chandler Wound Counter Pic Siege 2013


Game 2 led to me playing a man by the name of Justin Burgy. Some of you may know him as the man who either holds the #1 or #2 High Elf Player in the country status depending on time of year. The basics of what I remember of Justin’s army were as follows:


Prince on Barded Warhorse, Dragon Armour, 4+ Ward, Great Weapon

L4 Life Wizard – Ethereal

BsB on Barded Warhorse. Dragon Armour, 5+ Ward, Great Weapon

L1 Beast Wizard

Great Eagle

Great Eagle

18 White Lions

10 Dragon Princes

10 Archers

25 Spearmen

25 Spearmen


Now I want to start by saying, I didn’t take pictures for this game. I didn’t have time to remember too. Justin wiped the floor with me.

Big things that happened were:

My Warmachines were worthless because they only were rolling 1′s for the amount of wounds when I shot at the eagles.

Magic was not that big.

My Halberders were deployed out of the battle away from his troops.

But the big thing  that cost me the game was that I threw in my 5 Demigriffons and BsB into his Dragon Princes with the 2 characters and great weapons. I won the 1st combat, that wasn’t the problem, the issue was with his stubborn crown, it allowed the white lions to flank charge charge the BsB and that turn I got wiped to the man.

From there it just went bad all the way around, as all I killed was an eagle and he got almost all of my stuff. I’m glad I didn’t just give in though because I was able to end with a 2-18 opposed to just allowing him to get max points.

Looking back at it I probably would have played it differently by not throwing my stuff into combat on its own as I did. I find I play much better when I play counter strike instead of throwing stuff out on their own. The other thing I think I’d have done is I probably wouldnt have targeted the Eagles with the Cannons and instead I should have gone after the Dragon Princes. 2 shots probably would have allowed me to start picking out characters and had the characters been dealt with, my combat troops could have done the rest.


All in all great game as always against Justin.



So now my 3rd game was against a man name Kieth Ambrose. He played a very cool Daemon army with a block of Slaaneshi warriors, Blood Letters, and Horrors. He also had a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch that was a Lvl 3 and a unit of Flamers. This was the game where we we both got a free giant and  we lined em up across from each other.


Below is a pic of turn 3


Game 3 Pic 1 Siege 2013 Kieth Ambrose

What you see is a board where my Cannons had already taken off his greater daemon and all his blocks lined up in the center. What I did was put my Steam Tank in front of his blood letters, charged his Slaaneshi warriors with my Demigriffons and charged his dogs/flamers with my knights. I was able to get all combats in the center to be supported by the War altar and Hurricanum. This turned out to be huge and I was able to just pull his stuff off .

Game 3 Pic 2 Siege 2013 Kieth Ambrose

This is a pic from after the combats in the center were over and I was chasing him down. By the top of 6 I had tabled him and he had gotten only my pistolers. This meant that the game ended in a 20-0 and threw me into 7th place.


Results are listed below.


First Place: Justin Burgy
Second Place: Jon Cash
Best Sports: Gary Luther
Best Painted: Mike Carter

Name Army Paint Soft Scores Battle Overall
1 Justin Burgy High Elves 21 16 64 101
2 Jon Cash Ogre Kingdoms 24 18 51 93
3 Jeff Parkhurst Warriors of Chaos 18 20 49 87
4 Matt Carter Lizardmen 12 18 49 79
5 Justin Chandler Lizardmen 15 18 47 80
6 Gary Luther Ogre Kingdoms 22 20 37 79
7 Andrew Sherman Empire 12 19 46 77
8 Andrew Wehener Daemons of Chaos 15 19 38 72
9 Ken Parson Skaven 18 15 38 71
10 Mike Carter Dwarfs 23 18 27 68
11 Jacob Fathbruckner Dwarfs 21 20 23 64
12 Sean Barnet Ogre Kingdoms 15 18 29 62
13 Jake Hunter Daemons of Chaos 12 16 33 61
14 Jared Avelis Warriors of Chaos 9 19 32 60
15 Doug Mooney Skaven 9 19 30 58
16 Mark Milligan Lizardmen 12 13 34 59
17 Keith Ambrose Daemons of Chaos 15 19 22 56
18 Scott Snider Empire 0 19 23 42
19 Joe Getsi Orcs & Goblins 0 18 21 39
19 Cail Leo Hill Ogre Kingdoms 9 19 11 39




I will say publicly right now that I learned my lesson by taking a model that was unpainted in this list. I had one Demigriffon that was unpainted and it cost me 6 points which kept me out of 4th place even with my messing up game 2.


Either way it was a great time and I’m looking forward to going again next year. I made mistakes in this tournament that I will learn from and hopefully not repeat at Adepticon, Bits, Bragging Rights, or Buckeye Battles. That and next year I will be better prepared for an attempt to do well.


Anyway that about wraps it up here. Have a good one guys and see you next time.