So I finally Finished the Crossbowmen and here is a final shot of the unit.


Crossbowmen finished


I do want to point out how I’m Magnetizing this unit’s models and movement tray. On the bottom of each Model, I am putting a Rare earth Neodymium Magnet 3/8″ disc and gluing it down with Super Glue. I then Cover that Magnet with a Sheet Magnet as I have found in the past that if I do not the Magnet will sometimes fall out of the dried superglue after prolonged use. Pics are shown below.



For the Tray its just Sheet magnets, nothing special. My Table War Trays already have 20 Gauge sheet metal Gorilla Glued to them and with the Neodymium magnets supporting the sheet magnets, these trays wont move. Pics of these are shown below.



Crossbowmen finished



So After finishing the Crossbowmen, I’ve decided to take a bit of a break and do a Engineer on Mechanical Steed. I’ve never actually painted the model and to be honest I’ve always wanted to give it a try. He’s about half done:

Frontal Engineer


Even though I’ve no plans on using this model, I thought it would give me a nice break. Once thing I have to say is that I really enjoy red highlighting. Personally I am trying to finish out my old GW paints (before the color switch) – so I am going from Red Gore to a 50/50 with Red Gore and Blood Red to straight Blood Red and then to a 75/25 of Blood Red and Blazing Orange. I like the way it comes out.

Side #1 Engineer


You can tell that for the barding on the Mechanical steed I went for a Nuln color scheme. I intend on Marcus (yes I have named him even though I have no intention on using him :-)  ) being originally from Nuln and being brought from Nuln to teach at the Altdorf Imperial Gunnery School by order of Karl Franz himself.



Right Side EngineerI am so very happy with the way the green turned out on this model as well. Its a simple highlight from Dark Angels Green to Snot Green to light edges of Goblin Green. Simple but effective.

Back Side EngineerTo be honest the only thing left to do on this model is update his basing, which now that I’m posting I’m not sure why I didnt do. I’ll probably finish it before my next post which I hope to be next week. So far I’m on 1 post 3 weeks in a row, so I’m hoping to keep it going.


Well that’s about it, until next time my friends.