So back with the painting bug here I am with a quick shot of my WIP 10 Crossbowmen.

You can see 9 of the ten are in early stages.

Frontal shot of all 10


They are very early in the painting stage.


Complete Test Model


Here is a shot of a completed test model though. I think he turned out well.


Frontal Xbow Test Shot


And the other shot of the same test model.


Now some of you might be asking why exactly I’m painting Empire Crossbowmen. You’re probably saying, “Andrew, you’re the guy who says BS Shooting Sucks!” – Heh, well ya I am. Thing is, I actually have been drawn to paint models lately that are not optimal in a list.

As far as tactics go – one thing I will say though is even though 10 of these little over over costed buggers cost 90 points, they are just enough points to round out the rest of my core.

See right now in my 2400 point list, I plan on taking 9 Inner circle knights with full command and 40 Halberders with full command. Those  2 units combined cost 515 points. The 90 points fits in nicely and raises the core to a perfect 605. It also gives me a much needed drop for my army during the deployment phase. That being said as a long time Empire Player, I’ll still say taking a unit “Feels Right.” And to be honest, if it “Feels Right,” I have a lot more fun painting it and hopefully – a lot more fun playing with it.


Anyway – I gotta get back cracking at the painting. Till next time.