A brief post just to let you all know that I have no will power.

It's been almost a year since I added anything at all to the IV Mechanised infantry. Unfortunately since July last year I've been absolutely swamped with real life and have been unable to pick up a paint brush or modelling knife. However two weeks tomorrow (23rd April) that should all change!

In anticipation of this welcomed advent of free time I have made some not inconsiderable purchases (particularly from Gravis over at Kirton Games). Unsurprisingly a great many of these come from the new wave of Guard miniatures that we have just seen released.

Reinforcements will include:
 3 Taurox (Yes 3, I really like the model and they will be the perfect transports for a company of light infantry, particularly as I have a few squads lacking transports at the moment!)
2 boxes of Scions, I wanted to get at least 10 guys. No idea how Praetorian I will make them at the moment, I'm thinking perhaps they would benefit from some of Victoria Lamb's lovely new style kilt legs.
1 Baneblade. This has been on the cards for ages, not sure which variant of the baneblade/shadowsword it will be yet. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
1 Wyvern. I don't give a stuff if people think the rules are naff, I like the model and think it is a great addition to the army.
1 Codex. Clearly had to happen!
Also lots of bits from Victoria Lamb to help with any converting and customising. In particular so I can finally finish the second 5 of my converted DKOK Lifeguards.

In addition to the above I still have a platoon of Tallarns to paint up, another platoon of Praetorians, and some mortars. These infantry might necessitate even more Chimera and Taurox...

Should be a fun rest of the year!