It is time to repent! The Imperial Guard got a facelift, the DorlkLords had a great KillTeam event yesterday and the Dark Eldar invade the hobby table. This is what has been on my mind this week. Sunday is the time and spot that I get to write about things that mattered to me this week in gaming. It will be intense! it will be personal! All the brain children that I have let hatch. Let them make their way into your own physical brains… and as such. You may only read on IF you DARE.

As always you can keep up to date with battle reports and more, sub to the youtube channel.
Other posts, pictures and contest, like the facebook page!

The First Thing that I want to share today is the collection of Dark Eldar shot! I encourage you to share a picture of your own. I put all my shtuff on the table and took a pic! Its quite overwhelming to see all the work one needs to get done all at once. But it will be rewarding to see it all done in the end. 

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So show off your stuff! (email to send me your pic if you want it showcased).

The Second Thing to cross the keyboard is the addition of two more Hive City tiles for the campaign! I cant wait to have it all ready to go. But this does mean that there will be four of them on the planet! A great way to make players fight for it.

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Also, the Incredible DorkLORDS ran a Kill Team tournament this weekend thats the THIRD Thing

16 players, 6 rounds! 350 dls in prizes… they all had a blast. I wish that I would have been able to go, the Dorks always put on a great show! Next time… Here are all the players in the hall.

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Here is the mini KillTeam that was painted up professionally and was given to the Best Sportsman!!! wow, what a cool prize. 

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Those necrons bean bizz.

And the LAST thing that I want to chat about today is the Astra Militarium! - I have read reviews and watched video reviews as well. From what I hear, this is a great book. Priests, Commissars, different psykers… tank commanders! Wow. I am impressed to see how much flavour this book seems to have. I can’t wait to read over it myself. My brother Joaquin has some Imperial Guard (Astra Militarium) the old Tallarn Models, and some catachans, and a few cadians, he is excited to kick my tail to the curb with new rules :D

More slaves I say!
Thanks a lot for reading. 

Skari - out.