Instead of me fooling around with more test models, I decided to sit down and paint up one of the Magnet Marines. As wisely suggested, I took pictures at different angles this time around, so you can see the whole mini. 

I must admit this single model was quite a pain in my @$$. The Magnets would spin around, so my answer was to glued them in place with the tiniest dab of glue on the joints.  Later I would drop it and the most of the Magnets popped out super glued the arms and not the torso.

Despite the set-backs, I finished out the model. For the most part, I’m pretty pleased with how it looks. It would take a long time to build up an entire army this way, but I think the effort would equal the reward. Now I just have to paint up his other set of war-gear and we can call this model finished.