As Dragon's Claw pointed out last post, I'm sorta not-really-on-hiatus-but-sorta-as-most-hobby-stuff-is-packed-away...
Anyhow, some plastic Ogres arrived via post today as well as a metal chaos ogre mutant..cuz I'm gonna have a unit of great weapon wielding chaos ogres as I may or may not be raiding yo' empire soon. Blood for the blood god and all that jazz. Chaos is begin to grow.
Here the ugly mugs are, in their "Single colour over bare plastic" paint scheme |
As you can see in the above image, in order for me to use them with great weapons, I'm gonna need to plasticard some lengths for their swords, clubs and maces. Will throw up a tutorial when I get round to it as 6 ogres and a bit of plasticard > 4 ogres with great weapons. That's if you're wanting to make a single unit of chaos ogres with great weapons.
Not sure what they'll be marked as, if they will be marked as I plan to run a chaos undivided WoC army. Probs not the mark of slaanesh on the ogres as Slaaneshi ogres? Ew....Baron Harkonnen *Shudder* (Been reading some Dune lately- is good)
As for command, I'll just have the ogre mutant, with no musician and standard:
Something about plastic dudes with metal command reeks of GW's former awesome |
Two heads are better than one, amirite? |
Added to an army with normal WoC, they'll be scary. That's another thing, since normal WoC are I5, heavy lifting (ie great weapons) should be left to ogres/dragon ogres for that extra smack down power.
Thats about it for a little while,
Oh! Astra Millipede codex arrived today, with armoured fist squad
The Warlock