I'm not sure where I was going with this scheme. I wanted something metallic, but not silver. I wanted a color that would stand out on the table and at the same time would lend well to my wash-style of painting. After a few tests, we have the model that you see here. What I was trying to go for was... something regal or majestic, but it looks like it’s been in service for a very long time.

I started out with a brown base coat, then follow by Shining gold, then a liberal wash of Leviathan Purple. Next, the highlights, going back to the Shining gold, and then layered with Burnished gold… A little bit of Mithril Silver along all the edges, and finally a coat of Gryphonne Sepia to blend it all together. A few lite coats of Devlan Mud to start the shading, in the final stages, I layered with purple and black wash to help further define and add tint.

The little bit of color on the left shoulder pad is something to add more flair. I may just go back and make it all one solid color or keep it gold. The one thing is... the other marines are hybrids between the stranded kits and the new Death Company set. So, the next one will have more contrast with help of the shoulder pads and other details in the armor.

Any comments or criticisms are always appreciated.