When I think back to when I was younger.. I could go to such events, with minimal sleep, and get through it all without incident. Heck, I would even go and party like a wild man that night with everyone regaling stories of how the day progressed.

Fast forward 10+ yrs.. and I struggle to get out of bed in time to catch my ride with a local gamer. Let alone survive such an epic event, and have a pint ( or 2! ) afterwards before the long trek back home.

This won't be a too in depth post of Salute other than to say that I am still exhausted. And that the event was MASSIVE!!! I was completely not ready for such a scale of event and it truly did overwhelm me of items.

The only comparison I can make is that if anyone knows Battlefield Berlin, and how varied of miniature companies that they support... take that.. and multiply it by 1000! And you begin to get an idea of how large this place is! More planning required for next time!

A quick shot of the loot gained from the event ( post a trip to the ATM due to how awesome the stuff was available! ).

A quick run down of items that I can remember from the photos include...

  • Box of 30 IJA infantry to push my forces up to 1250 for a potential Escalation league happening at the local club. 
  • Pill box bases for the Machine gunners for my IJA
  • eBay purchases from Adam Parkhouse :) 
  • 3 bottles of Rust from Modelmates ( expect a tutorial soon! )
  • Capt Canada and a Robot from SmartMax
  • Boris II, and Boris III. Mites, and a fantasy Hero from heresy
  • Uncle Sam bust from infamy
  • Toad from infamy
  • 2 models from Ammon. A fat guy diving, and a rusty robot. 
  • 5 sheets of Etchmasters. Picked up for others to deliver when in Germany next week
  • FoW US Rifle Platoon, and Sherman tank for a future diorama ( and to copy MV's article on basing composition! )
  • 2 miniatures from an active Kickstarter that I picked up from The Dark Templar. More on this also in the future!
  • And of course the Salute 2014 miniature and other randoms given out by vendors while we waited in line!

So yeah.. lots of things gained.. more for the lead/plastic/resin pile.. and now I need to sit and download the thoughts and ideas and emotions from the event now to the blog! So watch this space as much to be shown!!!!!