I finished up the Dusk Wolf Commander, there really wasn't too much more that needed to be done. I spent some time on the face and wanted to make a bit scarred so add a little on his forehead. I think it came out looking good...
 I"ll have to think of a good name and back story for him, ..
 Close up of the face, I made him look a little more tanned as he's been in the field for hundreds of years.
 I also cleaned up the sword a bit and added a little more dark blue in the shadowed areas..
 Slight more detail on the cloak and added some snow over the muck wash.

I took a few pictures of him standing on the Tundra board i've been making for the LGS. I've had a request for a group shot (Dave 8) ) and I figured I'll take one of them before I turn the board over tomorrow. I should have broken them all out for these pictures but was way too tired to last night. So tomorrow I should have a decent group shot of all the Wolves I have done so far...  oh and the Land Speeder should also be wrapped up.