Hi, just thought I'd share some pics as the second Web Exclusive GW Space Marine Captain has arrived. Welcome if you are just over visiting from Faeit212! If you are a power armour fan, please feel free to have a look at my Relictors :) where these Captains will end up.
The first one is only available until the 4th May when you spend over £60. I like the scabbard, all Khorne-like, but not too sure of the skull cloak, but nice all the same - and not fine(fail)cast, so mega-happy about that too. The GW plastics are looking great these days.
The second Captain, Web Exclusive 2 of 2, is £18 when you've entered the promotional code of the first Captain - This is the Plasma Pistol Captain, no Iron Halo but could easily swap out the cloak part for a normal rear torso and use as a Sternguard. The Powerfists can be used on any mini too for those worried about the cost of Fists on characters.
