Bueno, aconteció que a principios de Marzo jugué mi primer ITS, organizado por los locos de Quilmes (Pablo de V2 y Matata, aka Leviathan). Yo iba remetido y me fué para el culete, pero mal, mal mal lo que se dice mal mal mal mal, mal mal, mal mal. Ibamos a ser 12 y faltaron 3, eramos impares. O sea que de los 9 restantes 3 jugamos 2 partidos y yo saqué 1 punto en la primera misión y otro en la segunda. Mi orgullo, estaba por el suelo.
Las listas que usé fueron:
Combined Army - Morat Aggression Force | 9 models
Suryat HRL (51|2)
Suryat HMG (47|2)
Raktorak Combi (27|0)
Suryat MULTI (47|0)
Kornak Lt (43|0)
Kurgat Shotgun (20|0)
Med-Tech Combi (23|0)
Slave Drone (3|0)
Daturazi Chain (14|0)
Zerat Combi (23|0)
298/300 points | 4/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox :
Combined Army - Morat Aggression Force | 10 models
Yaogat Sniper (42|1.5)
Yaogat Spitfire (35|1.5)
Yaogat Shotgun (31|0.5)
Yaogat Grenades (30|0)
Daturazi Chain (14|0)
Zerat Hacker (33|0.5)
Ikadron (9|0)
Med-Tech Combi (23|0)
Slave Drone (3|0)
Kornak Lt (43|0)
Yaogat Combi (31|0.5)
294/300 points | 4.5/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox :
Jugue dos misiones, la tercera quedé afuera. La primera fue una bastante bizarra (suministros) que te da más puntos si ningún toma un suministro a si los dos jugadores toman una de las cajas. En esta empaté en 1 punto, no fue malo, por que fuimos de los pocos que tomaron una caja, pero el resto que no tomó ninguna ningún jugador tenían 2 puntos por la redacción (si el otro no toma ninguna caja) y entonces los dos tenían 2 puntos y los que tomabamos 1 eran 1 para cada uno. Posteriormente jugué control de cuadrantes, en esta me hicieron el upite, hice un punto y me rompieron. Mi opinión es que la mesa era muy abierta, tuve un poco de mala suerte y jugué mal. Pensé que jugaba contra griegos, por eso usaba el enlace de suryats, pero jugué contra Genérico de aleph y tenía TOs por todos lados (y extranaba mis visores). Nada, me rompieron el upite.
Terminé el ITS, con 2 puntos y la moral baja como pocos. Además justo se dio la seguidilla de que había jugado en casa con guille en febrero una misión y me había borrado del mapa con el robot ese chino que es IP y robotito (Suryan creo). Y después de esta partida, a la semana, jugué contra santi lo que me faltaba de la campaña paradiso que estamos jugando en el Oeste y me hizo bosta de nuevo.
Venía para atrás, como Racing.
Fotitos, la escenografía se zarpaba, la mayoría de V2.
[The pictures are up from here]
Well, it happened at the beginning of March I played my first STI, organized by the crazy of Quilmes (V2 Paul and Matata, aka Leviathan). I was very concentrated, but my performance was a bad mess, but bad bad bad things to say bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. We were going to be 12 and missed 3 we were odd. So the remaining 9 3 played 2 games and drew 1 point in the first mission and another in the second. My pride was on the floor.
Here the two lists:
Combined Army - Morat Aggression Force | 9 models
Suryat HRL (51|2)
Suryat HMG (47|2)
Raktorak Combi (27|0)
Suryat MULTI (47|0)
Kornak Lt (43|0)
Kurgat Shotgun (20|0)
Med-Tech Combi (23|0)
Slave Drone (3|0)
Daturazi Chain (14|0)
Zerat Combi (23|0)
298/300 points | 4/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox :
Combined Army - Morat Aggression Force | 10 models
Yaogat Sniper (42|1.5)
Yaogat Spitfire (35|1.5)
Yaogat Shotgun (31|0.5)
Yaogat Grenades (30|0)
Daturazi Chain (14|0)
Zerat Hacker (33|0.5)
Ikadron (9|0)
Med-Tech Combi (23|0)
Slave Drone (3|0)
Kornak Lt (43|0)
Yaogat Combi (31|0.5)
294/300 points | 4.5/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox :
I played two missions, during the third I have stayed outside (because we were odd). The first was a rather bizarre mission (supplies) because you get more points if both players take no box other than take one of the boxes. I finish in a tie of 1 point, this was not bad, we were among the few who took a box, but the rest didn not take any any box none of the player and they had 2 points. Later I played control quadrants, and Leviathan made me feel like a novice, I made a point and Leviathan six. My opinion is that the table was really open, I had a bit of bad luck and I played bad also. At first I though I would be playing aganist the Greeks, so I made the list with a Suryat Link, but I played against Generic Aleph and they had TOs everywhere (and missed my Level2 Visors). In the end, I had a nice broken ass...
I finished the ITS , with 2 points and a low morale as few. Besides just weeks before I had played at home a mission with Astraud in February and he had wiped me off the map with that robot which is an IP and a little robot (Suryan I think). And a week after the ITS, I played with santi the paradiso campaign we're playing in the West and also Santi made me dung again.
I finished the ITS , with 2 points and a low morale as few. Besides just weeks before I had played at home a mission with Astraud in February and he had wiped me off the map with that robot which is an IP and a little robot (Suryan I think). And a week after the ITS, I played with santi the paradiso campaign we're playing in the West and also Santi made me dung again.
I came very badly, as Racing comes in those days.
But not every day is a bad day...