Hope you're not sick of Knights yet! I was hoping to have this bad boy finished last night or this morning, but Papa Nurgle had other plans. Food poisoning sucks! I finally managed to scrape myself outta bed though and get this bad boy all wrapped up!
As I'm planning to keep this one (we'll see how long that lasts!) I went all out on weathering this guy. I could probably go further with more weathering powders, but for now, I think he works. Base is a mix of Cities of Death building pieces, some urban barricades, Vallejo black lava, and some sand.
The blood drop motif is a nice touch across the model. Drip drip drip!
All the weathering was done with my sponge-weathering technique! Quick, easy, and realistic!
Love the boar motif! That bright yellow shoulderpad section certainly draws the eye as well!
That lens at the top is always fun to paint too!
Well folks, this is my last blogpost while in Durango. The last five years have presented me with some very interesting opportunities here, but with graduating last May and the work I've been putting into Smells Like Wargaming, its time to move onto bigger and better things! Expect some shots of my current personal project, as well as the start to the Legio commission! Lots more Knights coming down the pipeline shortly, so stay tuned folks!