
I did it at last !!! i got my self 20ppl to the blog now my main goal for the year is done time to bump it up a lvl. Now to get my self 35 to follow me will be some work but i think that i can make it now!!!

And on other new i have some things to come out this week and the next, the first is the tyranid that im working on. the swarmlord is now about 90% done there are some small things to fix on him and pimp the base up and he is done.

I have also a lot of new warmachine models to showcase they are part of my own army that i had in finland. I will also do a big post on the tournament that i was on over in findland last week, that shit was of the hook for sure man !!!

a lot of good stuff to come in other words and a lot of photo work for me how fun, going to have to rigg up the studio.

well that is a small posts on what is to come.

regards muffin ^^

PS. I found this new magazin today over att the PP forumes and it was the bomb, Kinetic is the name of the game. go over to there site and down lode it now, it was a go read.

>>here is the link<<