So following on from our previous article, here are the new Wood Elf Magic Items!

Magic Weapons: 

The Spirit Sword: Amour saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by the Spirit Sword. Furthermore, immediately when an enemy character, champion or monster suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from the Spirit Sword, both he and the wielder must roll a 2d6 and add their respective Leadership values. If the wounded model's total is higher or the totals are the same, nothing else happens. If the wounded model's total is lower, it immediately suffers a Wound for each point by which it's total was exceeded, with no armour saves allowed.

Daith's Reaper: All failed to hit and to wound rolls made with this weapon must be re-rolled. All armour saves taken against wounds caused by this weapon must be re-rolled.

The Bow of Loren: Asrai longbow. Multiple Shots (Attacks + 1). Cannot fire enchanted arrows.

Magic Armour: 

The Helm of the Hunt: +1 to armour save. Grants Devastating Charge and +1 WS on a turn in which the wearer charged.

Enchanted Items: 

Acorns of the Ages: One use only. At the start of the game after battlefield has been set up, but before deployment, place d3 citadel woods on the battlefield. Can be placed anywhere at least 1" away from another terrain feature and the edge of the battlefield. Once all forests have been placed, scatter each 2d6". If that lands within 1" or on top of other terrain, or within 1" of battlefield edge, reduce or increase scatter by smallest amount necessary to avoid obstruction. Once this has been done, delcare which type of Mysterious Forest you want these to be - all forests must be the same type.

Moonstone of the Hidden Ways: If bearer's unit is wholly within forest at end of your movement phase and not in combat, it can forest walk. If it does so, remove it from the battlefield and immediately replace it wholly within any forest on the battlefield in the same formation, but facing any direction. Cannot be placed within 1" of an enemy unit. Counts as having marched in the movement phase.

Hail of Doom Arrow: One use only, Model with Asrai Longbow only. Used instead of making shooting attack with the bearer's Asrai Longbow. 30" Range, Str 4, Armour Piercing, Multiple Shots (3d6)

Arcane Items: 

Calaingor's Stave: Bearer generates one less spell than normal but knows the Tree Singing Spell;

Cast on 8+: Augment spell that targets single forest within 18" of the caster. If there are no units within the forest, it immediately moves up to D6+1" in a direction of the casters choice. Cannot move to within 1" of units or other terrain features.

If there one unit (friendly or enemy) within forest, then it does not move. Instead, choose single enemy unit at least partially within forest; unit immediately suffers 2d6 str 4 hits. Wizard can choose to target all forests within 12" - casting value increased to 16+.

Magic Standards: 

Banner of the Eternal Queen: Bearer has Magic Resistance (3). Once per game, all models in same unit have Unbreakable until end of the turn or until bearer is slain. Declare you are using this ability at the start of any turn.

Banner of the Hunter King: All models in same unit as this banner have Vanguard Deployment. In addition, bearer's unit re-rolls first failed charge attempt.

So some pretty decent war gear at some varying costs - I will leave the suspense of these until saturday. Some cool stuff that you can do army wide with control of forests and the army is extremely versatile within terrain.

Hope you enjoy!

Alles gute,