In my Pulp City Monsters rules review a few days ago I spoke about looking a models you could use for the Characters in the book and maybe some you could build your own rule around.
I will start off with the 9 Monsters that have stats in the book, then the other official Monsters mentioned in the fluff and then some I just like the look of to build rules around.
The rough rules I like to follow for picking these are-
1- At least 4 inches tall
2- Must fit on an 80mm base
3- Looks like it could destroy a city in a comic book
If you have any more ideas, please comment below
Stats in book - (only 4 use the official kit btw)
Terrorsaur - Humanoid Dino created by Mysterious Man. Official Pulp City Kit using dino head and tail
Ulthar Cyclopes - Creature used by the Ulthat invasion forces. Official PC kit using Cyclopes head, trident and fins
Ging Gong - Ancient giant ape. Ape Lord by Reaper Miniatures
Soul Golem - Either Necroplane or Forgotten creation. Official PC kit, Devil or Cyclopes head and some converting
The Controller - Amorphous blog that controls minds - Shoggoth from Fenris Games
Dread Sleeper - aka The Old One. Official PC kit using C'thul head and wings
Protobot - High Powered alien robot - MkII Sentinel from Heroclix
Necroplane Harvester - Other dimensional, soul sucking UFO. Area 51 UFO from Pegasus Hobbies with added tentacles
Byte Dragon - The mighty alternate form of CORE. Clockwork Dragon from Reaper
Mentioned in PC background -
Quilong - Ancient Chinese Dragon. Chinese Dragons from Arcane Legions. Suggested by Ron
Grandfather Tiger - Great Cat. NO IDEA about models yet.
Phoenix - Legendary fire bird. Doesn't fit the fluff exactly but I love the Dark Pheonix from Heroclix. Know of any other good Phoenix minis?
Chimpanzer - Robo Monkey driven by Virus. MechaGor Vehicle from Old Glory Superfigs
Ulthar Scout Ship - The leaders of the Invasion. TR-E UFO from Atlantis Models
Wytchbot - Mix of tech and the arcane, used by the Coven. No idea what to use at the moment
Jade Cult Yeti - Big icy beast. Snowbeast from Crocodile Games. Suggested by John and Mecha Ace
Ulthar Rhinor - Alien quadruped sent into a rage by blood. Ogre mount from Games Workshop? Other GW monsters could work in the game as well
Grimm Bioconstruct - Terrible giant beast, a failed creation. Blood Maw Vore from Bane Beasts.
I just like the look of these and want to use the 'Build Your Own' rules for them -
Alternate Dread Sleeper or Old One - Old One from Reaper Miniatures
Evil Byte Dragon - Evil mirror created by Dr Tenebrous. Steam Dragon from Armorcast
Alternate Protobots / Sentinels - MkI and MkV from Heroclix
GALACTUS!!!!! - Why wouldn't you? Another Heroclox colossal
Dormmamau - The greatest Elder? Heroclix again
Iron Monger - Nice robot and its just a Marvel plastic toy
Talos - Bronze Colossus from Bane Beasts
Dagon - By Fenris Games
Undead Dragon - Reapers Kaladrax
Robo Insect - Mantis Tank by Blight Wheel Minis
Evil Villains Bot - Prussian Faust, soon to be released for Dystopian Legions by Spartan Games
Toxic Suit - Abomination from Dark age
Mole Monster - Heroclix Giganto
Underground Monster - Subterrainian Horror from Kaiju Khaos
Ancient Alien - Heroclix Ziran the Tester
Watcher and Protobot Creator - Uato and Master Mold from Heroclix. Front row second and third
Dragon and Experiment - Fin Fang Doom and Dr Manhatan from Heroclix. If you couldn't tell, Heroclix is a GREAT source for Monsters
War Tripod - War of the Worlds by Pegasus
Tentacled Beast - from Blackball Games. Suggested by Melvin
Alien Bio Armour - Trollforged Miniatures (not sure if its out yet)
Panzer Mecha - Secrets of the Third Reich. Suggested by Black Smoke
Which are your favourites and what other models would you add?
Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!