I started my new job this week, so the the days have flown by and we're back to Saturday again already – superb!

There hasn't been a lot of progress during the week, but last weekend I had a dedicated hobby day to myself and got quite a bit done.

To start with the models for my new project saw a bit more paint…

This fine fellow got his cloak painted and some of his gear a bit of colour. I'm taking my time with this guy as it's quite a nice sculpt (even if it is finecast).

His companion saw a bit of cloak action too, not to mention some armour.

There were also some additions to the ranks (even though I've only finished painting one model so far!)

This burly bloke is going to look fantastic when finished. A Hasslefree sculpt called Ferrus, he will be seeing a bit of converting before he's ready for paint – a simple weapon swap.

The next two crossbow crusaders were put to the dremel. They had lovely flowing locks, which just wouldn't do in such a disciplined group. They were shaved mercilessly and I will be adding some greenstuff mail to replace the missing hair.

I'd also been threatening to add some balsa to my lovely Saxon Hovel to make it a little more three dimensional. Well, I stumbled across a sheet the perfect depth earlier in the day and set to bolstering my latest piece of terrain. I just need to do the same for the roof section, add a little texture here and there, then we're good to go with a re-paint!

And finally, I got some time to work on my gaming board!!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing – I went about this the wrong way, but have created a clearing in the middle of the board with exits at either side (hence the eye shape). I've added a bit more height with the addition of some foam, but at present it's too high. Lots more work to do, but all very exciting.

However, the activity will be scaled back in the coming few weeks as we're finally moving house at the end of the month. Once we're in, I'll have a garage to myself so things can get proper rowdy!

Enjoy your weekends!

For more Paint Table Saturday action, visit Sofie's Paint Blog.