This is an update for the work I am doing on the 10k in 10! 10,000pts in 10 months? I think Im crazy… my friend Pete and I have challenged each other to this massive endeavor. So here are a few things that I have been working on.

The third Razorwing! This is for the razorwing formation:

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Then we have some work I have been doing on the Forgeworld corsairs! these minis are great, I can’t wait to get them all done.

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I found an old style Raider in one of my cupboards! This is great, I will be using it as the ride for my Bloodbrides -
nothing like riding in true style.

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And lastly, I have been putting together a unit of Kabalite Trueborn to run with Vect in his Dais of destruction. It has been a lot of fun, I am using a combination of bodies from the raider riders and the corsairs to make a unique unit, they will be armed with shard carbines.

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Well. That is all I have to share today! Let me know what you think… will we be able to complete this crazy challenge?

Skari - out.