Well I played my second game of 6th Edition tonight, and boy what a game! I was up against my friend Jordan and his Dark Angels (just before he packs up and moves his family across country). I took the same list as my first game (no sense in confusing myself) and I was a little disturbed to see that Jordan was fielding 36 Marines! A Chaplain, two 10-man Tactical squads, one 5-man Devastator squad, and one 10-man Assault squad (held in reserve).

We rolled up a Dawn of War deployment, and The Relic mission. Jordan deployed first, but my luck started early when I seized the initiative from him. By the second turn my Tactical squad had the relic surrounded, and my Assault Marines were tying up one of his Tactical squads. Things went kind of how I expected, with my combat specialists wearing down the Dark Angels until Tycho could get into combat and finish the job, and my static squad was thinning his gun line. I landed my Death Company behind his gun line, and he countered with his Assault squad dropping in to the side of my Dreadnought.

Man of the Match definitely goes to that Furioso Dread with Blood Talons. I survived Jordan's initial plasma pistol salvo, turned and charged into the fray. We checked all the special rules (my goodness there are a lot of them) to make sure we did the combat correctly, then my Dread proceeded to wipe out his entire squad in a single turn. It was a very strange series of rolls to watch, and it got a bit ridiculous around the sixth or seventh victim, but it certainly pushed the game completely in my favor. A turn later and I'd managed to bring down the last of Jordan's green-armored "super-humans". Jordan's response to the outcome? He asked the store staff member if he could exchange his Dark Angels for Blood Angels : )

I've also been chugging away on the modeling and painting for the Lamenters. At the top you can see the Man of the Match Dreadnought on his Bone Fields base with a Marine carcass beneath his left foot. I was originally planning on painting this model as a Space Shark (my nemesis is painting these for our Badab War action), but perhaps the corpse should represent a Dark Angels Assault Marine?

Above you can see the next two yellow models to roll off the bench, the sergeant and a trooper from my Tactical squad. The yellow is a little brighter than my test model, but I'm not too concerned about that.

Here's a look at their right shoulder pads. Initially I wanted them to be the 5th squad, but the "5" in this style of numbering looked a little too much like a "$", so I made them the 4th squad. I enjoy painting detailed numbers like these, it adds some great depth to the models.

Finally, here are the next two models on the block.

Have fun with you painting... AND gaming ; )
