Wow.. OK.. am exhausted from another weekend away and another painting class!

This was another class organized and run by the Weekend Workshop owner/operator/head artist John aka Darkmessiah. Since he is a fellow 5th-dimension blogger, expect the more in depth review of the class over at the 5th-dimension blog!

In the meantime know that the guest teacher for this class was non other than Rafael Garcia Marin.. aka Volomir! Who has his own blog showing off his cool ass pieces there as well!

But below you can see another shot of Rafael during his teachings, and a shot of the 2 models that I worked on within the class.

Now I need to rest, recuperate and put the rest of my thoughts to the page. But expect a few articles from this class on a few interesting things that I learned and achieved within the class. ;) I promise them to be quite interesting!

Enjoy the week!