This week I paid a visit to Anvil Industry for a tour of their studio, a quick game and a chat about their products, as well as their sci-fi skirmish game Afterlife.

Some of you may remember the last time I visited Joel?

Well, he's come a very long way in just a few years with an impressive product line, a growing number of employees and a very trendy studio in London's Docklands, overlooking the Millennium Dome.

The nearby American diner, Parkour gym and ample parking made me feel rather jealous too!

No, that's not their HQ on the left, it's a shot of their awesome terrain from the SALUTE 2014 show - which we were determined to play a game of Necromunda on!

So without further ado, we threw together some gangs and a special scenario just for this exceptional piece of terrain, featuring the Republic Grenadiers and Council Ajax Exo-Mech models.

MISSION: Get the Exec!

The mission was simple. Sneak into the Crane Corporation building and kidnap one of the Executives who is working late. And don't set off the alarm if you can help it.

Patrolling the building will be a number of Security personnel, including 2 Ajax Exo-Mechs, a Stimm-Dog with Handler and a Gun Tractor.

I took control of the Security forces and spread them throughout the levels of the building. They would wander round on a standard patrol pattern. The Exo-Mechs would remain on the roof unless the alarm was raised, in which case they would start using their jet packs to jump down the building, one level at a time.

Joel was given a Leader with Meltagun, Chainsword and a Silenced Autopistol, a Ganger with a Shotgun and a Ganger with a Silenced Lasgun.

Adam was given a Leader with 2 Silenced Autopistols and the Gunfighter skill, a Ganger with a Shotgun and a Heavy with a Heavy Stubber.

To add to the challenge, the only way the gangs could make their way up the levels using the Elevators would be Security Key Cards. In order to get one, they would have to take down one of the Security Guards. But they could only advance 1 level for each Keycard in their possession.

The mission begins with a corrupt Security Guard letting the gangs in via the warehouse door. He flees into the street before any violence can ensue.

"What about his keycard?" Joel asks.
"Like he's going to incriminate himself by giving you his keycard!" I retort.

And the mission begins.

The Gangs quickly (and quietly) advance through the complex, taking down the first Guard they come across in a hail of Silenced pistol fire, while taking care not to disturb the Stimm-Dog at the front of the building.

However, that doesn't stop them from bungling their encounter with the second Guard as every shot misses.

Finally, it falls to the Leader with the Meltagun to blast his head off!

He's going to raise the alarm anyway, so why not? The Meltagun misses.

Everything goes to hell in a handbasket, with Guard coming in from all directions, while the Stimm-Dog launches itself at Adam's Ganger with Shotgun, tearing out his throat, before leaping at his Gunfighter Leader.

Meanwhile the Guards on the upper level pour fire down through the shattered skylight.

But the real threat comes in the form of the Exo-Mechs, who begin jumping down the side of the building.

Determined to escape the first Exo-Mech, armed with a Plasma Gun, the gangs climb the ladders and (with Keycards in hand) flee towards the Elevator door with Security Guards in pursuit, who chase them down the corridor firing their pistols and shooting the Gunfighter Leader in the back!

The gangs huddle around the Elevator, taking more fire, but shrugging off the wounds before piling in and narrowly escape the Exo-Mech also hot on their heels.

Meanwhile, the Security forces on the upper level form a defensive firing line with a Gun Tractor on Overwatch, 2 Security Guards taking cover behind some stairs and an Exo-Mech moving into position with its Heavy Stubber.

The gangs burst from the elevator into defensive positions around the door. The Gun Tractor cuts down the Ganger with Lasgun with a hail of fire from its Heavy Stubber, before being blasted apart by the Leader's Melta Gun.

The Exo-Mech opens up on the Shotgun Ganger, tearing him to pieces, along with chunks of wall, while the Security Guards cowering behind the stairs add their fire to the barrage, but miss spectacularly.

In return the Heavy lets loose his Heavy Stubber on the Exo-Mech and as countless rounds ricochet off the armour plating, one shot shatter the helm's visor, killing the pilot inside.

In the ensuing chaos the Heavy, Leader and Ganger who remain rush forward, gunning down the Security Guards... just as the second Exo-Mech, flanked by 2 Security Guards emerge from the Elevator behind them and open fire!

The Ganger goes down to a hail of lead, while the Heavy is instantly vaporised by the Plasma Gun from the Exo-Mech.

Loaded with Keycards, the Leader runs into the office of the Executive and calls the Elevator.

With a turn to spare before the Security Forces can catch him, the Leader casually escorts the Exec into the Elevator.

What an awesome game on such an awesome board!

There were a few moments when it looked like the gangs were doomed. But thanks to the bad rolling of the Security forces' shooting, they made it through ok - just about.

As for new things coming from Anvil Industry, there's some really nice stuff in the pipeline.

I got to see some of their new sculptor's truly stunning work.

I also got to play an early beta of the Afterlife rules. I feel that the final rule set could take one of two directions, but we'll just have to wait and see how the game develops. But one thing's for sure - it's going to be incredibly narrative with lots of unique and unusual scenarios to make a very enjoyable story telling type of game.