A General cant just play one game, win, and call themselves Great. They should not just play one game, loose, and call the list they used trash. They should follow a path, a linked series of games. For at least 20 games, they should develop a core army and play with that army until they are blue in the face. Till they give it a true chance and actually get a real feel for the army itself.
Game 18 - vs Craig and his Deamons + CSM
This was an interesting game. A mini screamer star style list but the lists was very agressive. 3 soulgrinders with baleful torrent (a torrend str 6 flamer), large unit of spawn with a CSM commander and the screamers. To top it up a few DS’ing troops, and some to come on the board edge.
This game showed me how durable the soulgrinders are. 4 hullpoints, IWND, and the torrent flamer? Nasty.
The MVP of this game was VECT and his unit of eldar guardians, once again that unit, took the screamers to the face, and held on. The secret this game was the Heamy with the crucible of malediction, one well placed test, and I got warlord herald and the grimoir to boot. This knocked the steam out of the enemy army, and helped me walk away with a solid victory. At the end I did not have very many troops left, but I had stalled the enemy long enough.
Game 19 - vs Matt and his 13 Razorbacks
This was an intese game. MSU at its best. The game could have gone differently, but Mat reserved half his tanks, this allowed me to pick off the ones I needed to kill first before being able to move into objectives.
This game, my farseer got lucky and I was able to get him to contest the enemy objective 48 inches away to get me the solid win. Vect was once again a BEAST. I also changed my army this game, and took the heamy out with the crucible. Added in a third ravager and put night shields on all my tanks, these have proven their weight in gold.
Game 20 - vs Tim and his Space Marines and Tau army.
One of the most tactical games I have had in a very long time. Tim placed in the top 25% at the LVO and consistently does well at tournaments (he is 15). So this was a great test of my list. I played the game well, and killed the things that I needed to kill. The list he was playing relies on a double chapter master and riptide and a buffmander. So that was the thing I ignored, and killed his troops. He also had a bastion with broadsides, so I took that out asap to force the broadsides out into the open and then killed them as well. At the end of the game, the last turn, Tim failed a key Diff terrain movement and a key charge to hand me the game.
Overall, the games have been awesome. The Vect list has prooven its worth and tactical flexibility against a variety of different opponents. The only army that has really given me a run for my money are any form of Eldar… they seem to have the right tools for the job. There will be some ENCORE games before we begin out next journey, games 21-23 (or 24) this depends on how well I do in the playoffs!
Cheers. Thanks for reading.