We all know someone touched by Cancer. I pray for the day we don’t. Until then I thank God for people like those at Macmillan who support those fighting the good fight.
Originally posted on Miniature Musings of a Bear:
Welcome to a special edition of the Beared-itorial.
Recently I have received the news that my mum has cancer. We are still waiting for the true extent of the cancer, but one thing that has been a great help to my mum and dad is the MacMillan Nurses.
They have come in like a whirlwind of help, information and pain killers and already I am grateful that they have been there.
With this in mind I would love to do something for them, supporting Macmillan while they support others.
Now I could have stayed in a bath of baked beans or gone running, but I am a wargamer and this is a wargaming blog and the wargaming community has shown they are a fantastic bunch (yes I am massaging your egos).
So here is what I am suggesting 24 hours of wargaming (this will include board games and MtG to…
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