Today the Last Saga Kickstarter launches. A pretty dudey looking 32mm sci-fi skirmish game from Rocket Games. They’ve been hard at work teasing our pants off on their Facebook page and it’s all looking pretty sexy. It’s a brave move to go for 32mm over the more popular 28mm & 30mm. Hopefully there’ll be some cool scenery to tie it all together once the Kickstarter is done and dusted.
Their plan, with successful kickstarter backing, is to finish the 3D modelling process and produce rules and the two main factions – the Council and the Uruhvel to allow us to knock seven bells out of one another across a board. The renders so far look pretty tasty. A nice balance of a lot of my favourite sci-fi IPs. So fairly humble beginnings which is a refreshing change.
And by the looks of things there’s a nice mix of hi-tech and occult/organic tech styling which can only mean some bonkers model options in the game. Which is nice.
We’ll be taking a look at the beta rules and chatting to the guys to find out more about Last Saga and the kind of face smashing goodness we can expect from the game in the very near future. But for now I think you’ll agree, the models are gonna be pretty sweet.
If you’d like to learn more or pledge your hard earned coin, click here.