Hi everyone,

Today I conclude my article on the Ptolemy Bombers.  I left off last week after finishing the base coat.  The next step is masking the models for the camo effects.  This sounds a bit labour intensive but, believe it or not, it was done in just half an hour.
I used a light blue for the camo patterns. In general, I really do not like diluting colours for airbrush use, but since I might need to touch up afterward I took the hassle.  Personally, if you can work with pre-thinned paints - then go for it.
The next step was to paint in the metallics and details before a wash.  This actually takes more time than the masking and airbrushing.
The last step was the shading and washes.  Like the other units, this was done with enamel and oil washes and cleaned up with odourless spirit and q-tips.
And viola - a unit of Ptolemys ready to bomb the hell out of the enemy and lay mines to my heart's desire.  Below there is a group shot just to put things into perspective.

Well, another article finished.  The next post I start will be with the Icarus medium flyers - or as I like to call them, 'the gunship of the skies'.  After that my first resolution is completed - Huray!

Farewell and good health,
