So we are starting to get Bretonnian rumours. Slowly, but they're coming in. They are rumoured to be coming in July, and apparently we will be seeing at least a rereleased Grail Knight kit.

The first new rumour is that Grail Knights can also be fielded on foot - we have just been sent a photo that could possibly be from a new Grail Knight kit! 

Now there are a few odd things about this photo - first the sword is bright white... That's definitely not normal for a Games Workshop miniature. It does look like it's from a White Dwarf though, and if you look to the right there is another snippet that is cut off - it looks to be a BSB or maybe a unit banner... It definitely has Bretonnian heraldry on the model however so I'm not quite sure. 

Take it as you will guys - remember this is just a rumour. We will be reporting more as we see it - I'm very excited about new Bretonnians! 

Alles gute,