None shall pass! The Planning Stage

A couple of weeks ago I came across Grand Master of Teutonic Order by Pegaso and it gave me a brilliant and perhaps quite stupid. I think the model looks quite a lot like the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail which happens to be one of my favorite movies. It shouldn’t be to hard to pull off. Hopefully it will arrive soon so I can get started with the cutting.

I also ordered the vehicles needed for the first 1000pts of my North Africa Italians for Bolt Action and all the paint I pretend I need to paint them. I don’t know how many shades of sand I’ll have soon. I think the answer to that question is, To Damn Many.

A table stand for my camera, UV filter and some other small items and a “paint stand” also managed to sneak themselves into my shopping basket.

The “paint stand” looks like a great tool to have so I’m looking forward to trying it out.



Pegaso Models







Painting Stand

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