OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnother busy weekend for me, with Gina away for a half-marathon.  Louis, Kevin, and Joe were able to come over for a game Saturday though, and Joe wanted another round at Caverna.

This time, I wanted to go for a more mining-centric approach, but started off a bit slowly when Louis and Joe nabbed the early caverns and tunnels.  I didn’t really have a strong plan to feed my family, so I was struggling with that early as well.  I did end up being the first to expand my family, and managed to gather some vegetables and animals to lower my feeding concerns.

Joe snatched up a couple of the furnishings that I had wanted, so I ended up just focusing on mines and animals.  I had filled nearly my entire cave with mines and dwellings by the end, and my farm was filled with pastures and fields.  I had quite a few animals, but limited bonus points.  Kevin also had a decent supply of animals and some bonuses.  Louis had a nice farm going, while Joe had the best warriors.

In the end, though, I had just enough to tie with Kevin for first with 76 points.  Joe and Louis were only a few points behind, for a nice close game.


Until next time, happy gaming!