Hi all, in another exciting edition of "Fantasy Celebrity Wargamers" we are going to pick Fox networks exciting front lady, Erin Andrews:

"Who the hell is she?" you may ask, and i would join you in asking such a question, well apparently shes appearing on the Fox network a lot, what she actually does there, is anyones guess! perhaps someone could tell me please?

   So on that note here's her fantasy wargamer bio.

What system does Erin Andrews  play?:
Erin Andrews plays Blood Bowl

What army does Erin Andrews play?
Erin Andrews plays undead! she always likes the way her old rotting carcasses are still alive and apparently looking good to boot!

What other systems or armies would Erin Andrews like to collect in the future?
Erin Andrews is considering picking up Undead for Warhammer fantasy battles also!

Thats it from Erin Andrews

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