Today's campaign log comes directly from Dungeon Lord Skim, who has crafted a Legend of the Five Rings adventure to fill some down time and dovetail with Clan Strife.  Big thanks to Skim for taking the helm of the table for a few weeks, and for the awesome tale of mystical samurai!

Akodo Lands, 1200 I.C.

The snow has melted and the roads have become clear enough for safe travel. Winter Courts all across the Empire have come to a close. Court attendees and their retinues have made their journeys home or to where their next political battles will take place. Imperial Messengers across the Empire are beginning their springtime duties traveling throughout the lands of Rokugan delivering important messages to the lords and champions of clans great and small. Samurai all over the Empire are busily attending the needs of their lords.

Three weeks after spring began various lords in the Empire of Rokugan received letters from Emerald Magistrate Ikoma Hajime requesting their assistance. The lords were asked to dispatch a worthy samurai of their choice to the military barracks in the Village of the Reinstated Hero. The village is located in lands owned by the Lion Clan and known to contain a famous shrine to Duty, which honors long-ago hero Ikoma Teidei. The message gave no indications as to why the samurai were requested and only asked that the samurai report in on the 25th Day of the Dragon.

There have been rumors that suggest an unnamed Emerald Magistrate in the Lion territories is working closely with the Jade Champion, Asako Heishi, who resides in Pale Oak Castle in the Phoenix Lands. As to what exactly they are trying to accomplish and why they would be joining forces, one can only guess. Though, for an alliance such as this, it must be of the utmost importance.

The Companions
  • Bayushi Kamazaki, Bushi
  • Ide Itsuo, Courtier
  • Yoritomo Emika, Bushi
  • Daidoji Daisuke, Bushi
  • Akodo Yumiro, Shugenja

Campaign Log  
Total Time11.5 hrs  (5.25.14)

  1. The Long Road (5.11.14 to 5.25.14) Total Time11.5 hrs - The samurai attempt to traverse a long a treacherous road and deliver an important message to a Lion lord far away.  In addition, they must protect the Lady Asako Ryoko, a young shugenja.
    • The summoned samurai all meet in the barracks in the Village of the Reinstated Hero located in the Lion lands. They are introduced to Emerald Magistrate Ikoma Hajime, Asako Kato Acolyte of Air, and Asako Ryoko Apprentice Inquisitor. After introductions, Ikoma Hajime informs the assembled samurai that they are appointed as Yoriki that now work for him. He gives them their first duty as Yoriki, to travel with Asako Ryoko to Pale Oak Castle in the Phoenix lands as her protectors.  (3 hrs)
    • Tonbo Ukiya becomes a concern for the party as it is noticed that he staring intently at Asako Ryoko. On the road to Oiku Village, the party meets with Hitomi Fuguki a Kikage Zumi initiate from the Dragon Clan. In Oiku Village, Kakita Umasu is met and joins the group on their travel north. That night Tonbo Ukiya makes an appeal for Ryoko's hand in marriage. The group intervenes and Ukiya leaves very angry. A merchant named Toru is questioned about staring in the direction of the group. He denies doing any wrong doing.  At the Bridge of Lion's Might a strange fog rolls in and Ryoko and Akodo Yumiro fall unconscious. It is surmised the party is being attacked. Tonbo Ukiya tries to separate Ryoko from the group by flying above them to grab her. He is ultimately killed for his insolence.  After the fog clears, screams are heard as the merchant known as Toru appears. He is covered in blood and seems to be swelled in size. A battle ensues with Toru dying quickly to three katana strikes from the party.  Hitomi Fuguki seems maddened by all the drama. The party keeps him calm and the next morning he seems back to normal. He and Kakita Umasu depart the group. At a shrine to Bishamon the Fortune of Strength, Bayushi Kamazaki and Doji Fusashi have words.  (5 hrs)
    • A bad storm rolls in and the party gets invited to use a merchants wagon which they gladly accept. The party travels to Nanashi Mura (No Name Village). They spend the night and travel on.  After many days travel the party encounters a man sitting on a stool in the middle of the road. He asks for “donations.” Battle ensues. All but one bandit is cut down and killed. Unfortunately, Akodo Yumiro takes a grievous wound while bravely fighting and perishes during the battle. The group travels on to Pale Oak Castle where they are given rest and told to await their lord.  (3.5 hrs)

    The funeral had entered it's second week of mourning as Akodo Setsumi sat in front of the family altar praying silently. Her prayers came to her haltingly as her concentration was broken over and over again by the recurring pain of the loss of her husband. They had been fortunate that they had so easily come to love each other. Not many marriages in the empire could be said to be as joyful and as happy as her and Akodo Yumiro's marriage.

    It pained her even more that she had chosen to leave on the following morning and not stay to pay proper respects. It was a decision that didn't come easy but she felt it was the right one. Rumors of Yumiro's death stated that one of the bandits had escaped with his life during the battle due to his cowardice. Not much was known about the bandit, though the vague description given by the honorable group of samurai that traveled with him was more than enough for Setsumi to make her decision.

    Before her marriage she had been Hiruma Setsumi and learned the ways of the Hiruma Bushi as a samurai-ko. She spent some time along the Kaiu Wall and used her skills many times to help her fellow comrades. When the marriage proposal was accepted she had been very apprehensive about the match. She had always assumed she would stay in the Crab lands protecting the empire from the constant threat of Shadowlands invasions. Instead she was to travel to the Lion lands to marry, have children and manage a household. Her apprehensions were short lived though. Akodo Yumiro was an honorable samurai that seemed to understand what she was giving up, and she had soon come to love him.

    Now her future was uncertain. Her new life and her beloved husband were taken from her. All she could think of now was avenging his untimely death. She had spoken with her lord Akodo Hirotsugu about her unconventional plans. At first he seemed wary and she feared that he would not give his permission. Ultimately though, he gave her leave to go. Now all that was left was to finish her prayers and hope her husbands spirit would understand why she had to leave.
    The next morning before the sunrise, Akodo Setsumi donned her armor along with her dead husbands daisho and walked out of the house possibly for the last time.